Should you put water on your toothbrush?

The answer to this question is mixed. Some dentists and hygienists recommend against wetting the toothbrush because it dilutes the toothpaste, which reduces its effects. Moreover, if you do that to make the toothbrush softer, you should buy one with softer bristles.

Those who support wetting the toothbrush say that it has multiple benefits. For example, it makes the bristles softer, and your experience of brushing your teeth is more comfortable. The toothpaste sticks to your toothbrush more effectively. Moreover, it rinses the debris that comes in contact with your toothbrush since the last time you brushed your teeth.

While these benefits are useful for some people, it is better to practice brushing your teeth properly and use fluoride toothpaste. Again, it’s a mixed answer. But dentists recommend and advise against it.

So, whether you wet your toothbrush or not, the bright brushing routine is what matters.

Is it better to put water on toothpaste?

It is never recommended to mix water and toothpaste because it may lessen the effectiveness of the toothpaste. However, it is common for people to use water in their brushing routine after applying toothpaste to their toothbrushes or Smart electric toothbrush.

Should your toothbrush be wet or dry?

It makes very little difference and does not matter if you use your toothbrush wet or dry. If you suffer from xerostomia (dry mouth), you can wet the toothbrush because it can help to apply it in your mouth more evenly.


Related Readings:

Can You Bring aElectric Toothbrush oa Plane

How Many Calories Are in Toothpaste

What Happens if You Swallow Toothpaste

Are Charcoal Toothbrushes Safe

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